Friday, May 13, 2011

Rumney Photo Dump

Roger's rope management skillz at work

Roger finishing off a crimpy 5.11c at the 5.8 Crag


Shinny new rope

Scott on Serial Killer 5.11c

Ben on Parallel Univers 5.14a - it was not to be after
three split tips in one red point attempt

Parallel Universe at the Monster's of the ID crag

Roger finishing off Social Distortion 5.12b after only a few attempts

Krissy and the D'Acres Farm's baby chicks

They had pigs too...

Ben on Eyeless in Gaza 5.12b at Sundown Ledges near North Conway, NH

Eyeless in Gaza - one of the best 5.12's in New Hampshire

Scott on Eyeless in Gaza

Fueling up

Racking up - yes Scott and I did do a couple
pitches of trad climbing on Cathedral Ledge
during our "rest" day

Bombardment on Cathedral

Our home for the week

Roger and Samantha

Krissy during an epic battle against pump on Serial Killer 5.11c

Scott at the top of Venus on a Halfshell 5.12c

Ben on Venus on a Halfshell 5.12c

Ben on Venus on a Halfshell 5.12c

Scott during one of his many oh so close
attempts to send Venus...also an epic battle


Parallel Universe attempt

Emile nearly sticking the crux of Dodge the
Lemons 5.13d

Emile on the upper part of Dodge the
Lemons - i'm sure he will send next day on

The knee bar rest after the initial V8ish
boulder problem on Dodge the Lemons

The end of the second pumpy boulder
problem - the red point crux....

It was very entertaining witnessing
Emile's reaction when blowing the
crux when he knew he was so close - so
psyched and mad at the same time

Ben on the start of Dodge the Lemons 5.13d
It is really hard right off the ground, climbing
through a very improbable looking section of

Ben on "Dodge"

Ben on "Dodge" - eying up the next part

Ben on "Dodge" - mid red point crux

The crux throw - quite a wild move

The upper part of "Dodge" - lucky enough to send
second try...

Krissy warming up on Scene of the Crime 5.10b



  1. i think you meant "Eyeless in Gaza" for the Sundown route???

  2. ya maybe, was not sure of the route name - knew if was something about eyes in Gaza
