Monday, March 29, 2010

Outside again...finally!

The quick version of what went down:
-lots of mini eggs
-lots of cheese
-lots of good conditions
-lots of lost skin
-lots of trying hard
-lots off blowing off holds
-lots off blowing off top outs
-much success
-Ben Smith did a new link-up: Grizzly into Momma Bear - V - Hard
-Ben S. also slipped and almost went face first into poo
- Krissy and Andrea worked Momma bear
- Ben B. flailed on Grizzly and Papa Bear - then later sent after much frustration!

The Bens

Grizzly (V12/13 ish)



I fell here once...

Perfect conditions

Papa Bear (V11)

Ben S. on Papa Bear

Papa Bear Crux

The start of the link-up - I dubbed it "Grizzly Momma" - Ben still has to name it...

Andrea on Momma Bear (V7)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mad Rock and Flashed

Check out the new Mad Rock page. Link the the right. Lots of new stuff!

Flashed also has some new stuff up on their site.