Rumney one last time...With Krissy having a two week break from school we decided we would head to NH one last time!
On Aug 26 we drove to New Brunswick with Ben of the Smizzles and Andrea. After a huge amount of home made food we left for NH. Scott, Ben Q., and Jess would meet up with us the following day.
Our first day climbing was like we never left the place. We warmed up on the usual circuit of routes at Bonsai (Masterpiece(10a), Centerpiece(10d), and Social Outcast(12a/b)). Yes you read that right, Krissy now warms up on 12's!!!
Moments and Events:-Craig tricking the others into thingking coyotes were attacking, sending everyone running for weapons
-Krissy sitting in a piece of cake Scott left for her on her chair
-Down climbing from a ledge/boulder at Waimea, Ben Q. drops his pack and it rolls down the hill, then Scooter does the same. Craig, who sees this happen asks if any of the other climbers on the ledge would like Ben to give them a hand getting their packs down.
-Andrea locks her keys in her car and Ben B. and Ben S. magruber them out with a clothes hanger and screw driver, after which Ben S. lets out a string of profanities as a group of children walk by.
-Craig's Baptism song when getting in the river.
-Lighter fluid fire ball surprises while people are sleeping in a chair by the fire
-Ben Q's whippers heard all across Waimea
-Ben S. grabbing a draw on a 5.9 (sorry Ben, had to put that)
-Gourmet suppers compliments of Craig and gang.
Some Notable Sends:Ben B. - Predator - 13b
Krissy - Weevil Kinevil - 12a/b
Ben Q. - Waimea - 10d - first trip lead climbing!
Scooter - Stone Monkey - 13b
Craig - Flashing an 11c!
Quotes:"I hate it when you can't tell whether you pissed yourself or if your shorts are just wet" - CS
"Scooter, entertain me" - CS
"Stamp Send - the act of climbing a route in as many peices as needed as long as all the moves are done"
"I've seen you climb, you are F$#%#$ing strong" - Nick
"I just wana get jacked" - BQ

On the road

"Remember, you are in America now"

Bus filled with hay

Custard ice cream

more custard ice cream and school busses


Ben on Predator

Falling from the last move - this happened twice!

The send

Resting at the bottom of the prow

Just after the crux dyno

High heel to a pinch is the last crux

No more predator ledge!

Fueled by...

Krissy's beat up hands

Done -river time...

Our shower

Krissy taking the fast way in

Craig - what more can you say

Campton - where our camp site was

Campton and rainbow

Least favorite part of camping

"Live Free or Die"

"Live free or Die"

Krissy by the fire

Required eating

Cake - also required eating

Asian tourist with Ben eating corn and cake

Craig - post cake eating


Monsters wall

Ben Q. redpoint Waimea

Ben falling on Waimea

Asian tourist happy to be alive after
a couple of big falls

Attentive belayer

Scott on Stone Monkey

Stone Monkey crux

Self explanatory

Scott on Butt Bongo Fiesta (left) and Ben on
Muscle Beach discussing beta

Resting for a redpoint attempt

Ben Q. getting "jacked"

Krissy sending Social Outcast

Krissy's toe in rough shape

Post send

Scott sending Social Outcast

Social Outcast

Cathedral Ledge

Rest Day activities